The Study of Electroencephalographic Changes in Patients Dia | 61662

Журнал неврологии и нейрофизиологии

ISSN - 2155-9562


The Study of Electroencephalographic Changes in Patients Diagnosed with Dementia

Karthikeyan KV, Subramaniyan K, Shanu T

Dementia refers to a group of disorders caused by the gradual dysfunction and death of brain cells. This disorder can be described clinically as a syndrome that causes a decline in cognitive domain (i.e., attention, memory, executive function, visual-spatial ability, and language)EEG may play an important role in detecting and classifying dementia because of its significant influence on dementia abnormalities in terms of rhythm activity .An increase in EEG slow wave activity (theta and delta frequencies) together with decreased activity in the alpha frequency band are considered to be typical findings in the various types of dementia. Aim and Objective: An analysis of electroencephalographic changes in patients diagnosed with dementia and trying to find significance in diagnosis. Methods and Materials: This study is an observational cross sectional study carried out in 30 patients diagnosed with dementia attending outpatient department in a tertiary care Hospital over a period of 6 months. Subjects are enquired about their history of diagnosis, family history, Treatment history and diagnostic tests such as EEG. Additionally MMSE scoring was also performed for all patients. Results: Out of the 30 patients dementia incidence was higher in males (56.66 %) compared to females (43.33 %). EEG was found to be normal in 9 patients and abnormal in 21 patients. The study also shows a statistically significant correlation between MMSE Scoring and EEG Findings in patients with dementia. Conclusion: There is a definite EEG abnormality found in majority of the patients. Combined MMSE scoring and EEG in evaluation of dementia patients in larger study group will reveal more insight.