Первичная медико-санитарная помощь: открытый доступ

ISSN - 2167-1079

Объем 6, Проблема 1 (2016)

исследовательская статья

Cardiovascular Risk and Physical Activity: Simulated Analysis in General Practice Patients Based on a Risk Score System

Maria Scatigna, Maria De Felice, Anna R. Giuliani, Fabio Samani, Luigi Canciani, Leila Fabiani

Мини обзор

The Industrial Athlete and Flexibility

John Amtmann and Sophie Hegg

исследовательская статья

Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Regarding Lifestyle Modification of Hypertensive Patients at Jimma University Specialized Hospital, Ethiopia

Shibiru Tesema, Bayeta Disasa, Selamu Kebamo and Eliyas Kadi

исследовательская статья

Assessment of Antenatal Care Utilization among Reproductive Age Group Women of Mizan-Aman Town, Southwest Ethiopia

Robera Olana, Tafesse Lamaro and Andualem Henok