Health-Related Behaviors, Health Consciousness and Psycholog | 46501

Клиническая и экспериментальная психология


Health-Related Behaviors, Health Consciousness and Psychological Wellbeing among Teaching Faculty in Jimma University, Ethiopia

Tefera Kibret B

This study examined the health consciousness, health-related behaviors and psychological wellbeing of a sample of 110 teaching faculty at Jimma University. A structured questionnaire was used to generate primary data. Descriptive statistics, multiple regression and partial correlation analysis were conducted to determine the independent and combined contributions of health-related behaviors and health consciousness in predicting psychological wellbeing. It was found that in tune with our expectations, most participants had proper health-related behaviors, paid attention to their personal health and had a high sense of psychological wellbeing. Furthermore, it was noted that health-related behavior was a statically significant independent predictor of psychological wellbeing. It looks that health-related behavior and health consciousness were influencing optimal functioning and development at one’s true and highest potential during adulthood. Further line of inquiry was also suggested.